Your Top Questions Answered 

What is an example of equipment financing?

Equipment financing is a specialized type of loan designed to help businesses acquire the equipment they need to operate efficiently. Whether you need new machinery, technology, vehicles, or any other essential equipment, equipment financing can cover the costs, allowing you to preserve your working capital for other business needs

What equipment can be financed? 

A wide range of equipment can be financed through equipment financing. Common examples include industrial machinery, construction equipment, medical devices, IT hardware, restaurant appliances, and transportation vehicles. Essentially, any equipment that is crucial to your business operations can potentially be financed.

Is it hard to get a loan for equipment?

Not at all! Getting a loan for equipment doesn't have to be a complex process. At All Things Business Capital, we streamline the entire process, making it simple and hassle-free. Our team of experts works closely with you, ensuring a smooth application process and quick approval, so you can focus on what matters most - running your business.

What is the average interest rate on equipment financing?

Interest rates on equipment financing can vary depending on factors such as the borrower's creditworthiness, the equipment's type, and the loan term. On average, interest rates for equipment financing typically range from 7% to 30%. It's essential to shop around and compare offers from different lenders to find the best rate for your specific needs.

How many years are equipment loans?

Equipment loans typically have loan terms ranging from 1 to 5 years, with some specialized financing options offering longer terms of up to 8 years. The loan term depends on the equipment's expected useful life and your ability to repay the loan comfortably.

Can a start-up be approved for equipment financing?

Absolutely! All Things Business Capital specializes in obtaining start-up businesses with the capital they need to get started. We understand the unique challenges start-ups face, and our experienced team is dedicated to helping them secure the equipment financing necessary for their success.

Is financing equipment tax deductible? 

Yes, in most cases, financing equipment is tax deductible. Businesses can often deduct the interest paid on equipment loans as a business expense. However, it's crucial to consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure compliance with tax laws and to understand the specific deductions available to your business.

What are the requirements to get an equipment loan for a start-up business? 

To obtain an equipment loan for a start-up business, entrepreneurs may need to provide financials’, such as the 3 most recent months of bank statements and two years of personal tax returns to demonstrate financial stability. At All Things Business Capital, we can guide you through this process and help you obtain the funds you need to kickstart your venture.

Is it difficult to get a small business loan? 

Not at all! Getting a small business loan becomes much easier when you have a team of experts who specialize in small business funding, just like All Things Business Capital. We have the knowledge, experience, and network to match your business with the right financing solutions, ensuring a seamless and successful funding process.